How old is God? Explore What the Bible Says About God’s Age

God is described in the Bible as eternal and everlasting. This signifies that God has existed from the beginning of time and has no beginning or end. There are several answers to this topic, yet most people believe that God is everlasting.

Your queries have been answered. If you don’t believe in a Creator God, you should consider how old Jesus is. He was born in 221 BC, crucified in 33 BC, and arose three days later.

When was God Born?

Because of science’s inquisitiveness and our experience with everything around us having a start, it may be difficult to accept that God never had a beginning and has always been, yet it is true. God was never born in the sense that there was no other being before Him to give Him life. God is eternal life. He’s always been there.

God Himself clarified the situation in Revelation 1:8:

“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,” declares the Lord God. “I am the Almighty One, who is, who was, and who is yet to come.” First and foremost, He declares that He is. That’s present tense, which means he’s still alive.

Then He declares that He has always been. That’s past tense, which means there was never a moment when God didn’t exist. Then He declares that He will return. That is future tense, which means that God will never cease to exist in the future. Another reason you can’t question, “How old is God now?” is because time itself has a relationship with God. According to the Bible, a day is like a thousand years to God, and a thousand years are like a day.

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Jesus was born in 221 BC

There are various plausible explanations for why some believe Jesus was born around 221 BC. First and foremost, Luke’s birth tale is comparable to Matthew’s. Second, Luke locates Jesus’ birth using Caesar Augustus’ census.

Finally, some academics believe the gospels were written after the birth of Jesus. In actuality, though, we do not know for definite. We can only guess. In this post, we’ll look at both arguments and determine which is the more plausible.

According to Matthew and Luke’s gospels, Jesus was born during Herod the Great’s reign. In 37 BCE, Herod deposed Antigonus, thereby ending the Hasmonean Dynasty in Judea. As a vassal of Rome, Herod served at the pleasure of Rome and backed the Roman Empire’s allies. Scholars have determined that Herod died in 4 BCE, making it improbable that Jesus was born during his rule.

Significant historical personalities are also mentioned in the Gospels. According to Matthew’s gospel, Jesus was born during Herod’s reign, during the census, and during the Slaughter of the Innocents. The birth narrative of Jesus includes references to Jewish scribes and priests, as well as the Slaughter of the Innocents and hunger. The birth is recorded in detail by shepherds and magi in Luke’s gospel. It is also possible to read the gospels without knowing about Herod’s death, but this is not recommended.

Does the Bible Tell us How Old God is?

Unlike many faiths, the Bible does not mention a god who was created from the ashes of former gods (the Olympians birthed from Gaia and Uranus, etc.). It begins with God constructing the heavens and the earth, with no information regarding God’s existence prior to beginning this process. Scholars contend that texts such as Ezekiel 28:11-19 and Revelation 12:7-9 represent events that took place in heaven prior to the first day of creation. According to this interpretation, “the king of Tyre” in Ezekiel and “the huge dragon” in Revelation are both Satan, an angel who rebelled against God and initiated a war in heaven. This fight allegedly concluded with Satan falling “like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18) and arriving in the Garden of Eden as a serpent.

Aside from these hypotheses, there are no Biblical specifics regarding God’s activities prior to the creation of the planet. Several Bible scriptures, however, discuss God’s characteristics. These accounts all say that God is eternal—that he has always existed.

“God is exalted above time in His intrinsic existence; in His everlasting absoluteness, He is throned above temporal growth, and knows, as the Scriptures teach, no changeability.” From James Lindsay’s article “Eternity” in the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

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What Does This Mean For The Believer?

God’s immortality implies that He will never die or age. According to 1 Corinthians 15:53-54, God will likewise give this gift of immortality to His people so that they might live without disease, aging, or death. This will happen at Jesus’ Second Coming when His people will be separated from the rest of the world and brought up into heaven. Our mortal bodies will be discarded, leaving us with our immortal spirits. Even while we live our lives on Earth, we anticipate and prepare for Christ’s return in glory.

This information should leave you in pure adoration of God, in addition to easing your concerns. According to John 1:3, He binds the universe together, and without Him, nothing would exist.

It’s natural to offer greater respect to someone because of their age, expertise, or the amount of power they possess. Similarly, when you approach before God in worship or prayer, remember His eternity and might, and never fail to regard Him with loving reverence.

How Can God Be Eternal?

Everything we go through in life has a beginning and an end. As a result, we find it difficult to envision an immortal entity. Surprisingly, reasoning demonstrates that the cosmos we live in necessitates an eternal creator. In her essay “Where did God originate? Hope Bolinger comments that studying God’s beginnings leads us to Aristotle’s argument for an “unmoved mover.” Aristotle essentially contends that if there was a finite entity that created the universe, something must have produced that being. And something that gave birth to that being. And so forth and so forth indefinitely.

As a result, we have an endless number of creators, which is a logical impossibility. In his First Cause Argument, Peter Kreeft summarizes the problem:

If there is no original cause, the universe is analogous to a vast chain with many links; each link is supported by the one above it, but the overall chain is sustained by nothing. If there is no beginning cause, the universe can be compared to a train without an engine. Each vehicle’s motion is partially explained by the motion of the vehicle in front of it: the caboose moves because the boxcar is pulling it, the boxcar moves because the cattle car is pulling it, and so on.

However, there is no engine to draw the first vehicle or the entire train. Of course, that would be impossible. But that’s how the cosmos is if there’s no initial cause: impossible.” —Excerpted from Peter Kreeft’s Fundamentals of the Faith As a result, there must be a driving force behind everything. Something must have set the cosmos in motion yet cannot be moved: an eternal, uncreated God who has always been present.

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He was crucified in 33

Jesus was born in the year two B.C. and began his ministry at the age of 30. Although His earthly mission was limited, it is critical to remember that he was crucified in 33 A.D. and that His birth is critical to comprehending the 70 Weeks of Daniel. Although his ministry was brief, his life and death were momentous, and his birth is crucial to Daniel’s studies. If Jesus was crucified in the year 33, he would have been thirty-three years old.

The date of his crucifixion is complicated by the Jewish calendar, which contains three Passovers in four years, making a.d. 30 implausible. Indeed, there are several competing dates for Jesus’ crucifixion. His public ministry lasted around two or three years, according to the synoptic gospels. The circumstances preceding his crucifixion, however, are not recorded in the synoptic gospels. While the precise site of Jesus’ crucifixion is uncertain, we do know that his corpse was nailed on a cross between two criminals. Longinus was the name of one of the offenders. The spear wound bled profusely. Furthermore, seven comments were made by Jesus during his death, some of which were recorded in the Bible. This contained a number of supernatural occurrences. The two episodes are related to the Gospel of John as an account of Jesus’ life.

He Rose from the Dead Three Days Later

A man who died on the cross and rose from the tomb three days later is referred to as a resurrection in the Bible. That suggests the rising Christ was still alive and capable of miracles. The rising Christ instructed his disciples not to inform anybody about his resurrection. They had to be quiet and not notify Mary and Martha. This begs the question: according to the Talmud, Jewish burial rituals need three days to pass. These rituals are based on a Jewish tradition that ensures the deceased is truly dead. Before a burial, it is customary for a person to repose in a tomb for three days. Because Jesus’ resurrection occurred three days after his death, a Jewish burial is needed.

The resurrection was described by Jesus on the third day. The third day of Jesus’ death is mentioned in the Bible as the start of the three days. The Bible makes no mention of his being in the grave at the sealing of the tomb. That is why the third day is so crucial. And, while this may appear to be a little detail, it is significant. For instance, Jesus promised that he would rise on the third day, and his followers included this prediction in their gospel.

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No beginning, No Ending

According to the Bible, “in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). But, this verse is not about the origin of God; it is about the origin of our planet and the universe. God was present at the start of the universe, yet He existed long before.

The Bible makes it quite clear that God has always existed. He has always existed, and He will continue to exist forever. ” Before the mountains were created, the psalmist proclaimed, “You are God from eternity to eternity” (Psalm 90:2).

He Has No Age

According to the Bible, God has no age. The question “How old is God?” presumes that God has an age, which is false. God resides beyond time and space. This makes categorizing God’s age difficult. Furthermore, age is unimportant to God because He created the cosmos from nothing. As a result, God has no age. God is timeless. As a result, there is no limit to God’s age.

God’s everlasting and timeless nature causes us to assume that he is neither old nor young. He keeps the cosmos together and is never far away. We may trust God and look forward to the future because He is always present. All who put their confidence in God are offered the hope of a future and eternal existence. God’s age is not defined by creation’s age, nor is it relevant to ours. Furthermore, God promises a better future to those who trust Him.

Forever Young!

We tend to conceive of God as ancient because of Renaissance paintings picturing Him as an old man with a long beard clothed in a robe. We may even see God as a loving, old grandfather who isn’t overly interested in all of life’s events. May think it’s nice to have Him around, but He’s mostly a spectator in our life. But if we imagine God as young, vibrant, and active, He takes on a very new function for us. He is right here, actively involved with us in all that happens in our lives on a daily basis.

Of fact, God is neither old nor young in the sense that humans understand time. What matters most is that God exists. He is always present and will always be present. He never gets old and is constantly at our side, loving us, caring for us, and assisting us with all we encounter. “I will never leave you nor abandon you,” he assures (Hebrews 13:5).

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Although God came to earth and was born of a woman in order to save us, He had lived in heaven for a very long time prior to this.

If the question “how old is God?” could be answered, it would indicate that He began at some point and that He did not exist for a time. Or He may at some point cease to exist. But, it has no solution, which gives us hope.

We can rest assured that our hope is secure in God and that He will keep a vigilant watch over us because He who maintains Israel does not sleep or take a break.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About How old is God

When was God born How many years ago?

Some academics assume Jesus was born between 6 and 4 B.C., based in part on King Herod the Great’s biblical tale.

Who is God’s Dad?

The Highest Being in whom we have faith, awe, and prayer is God the Father. He is the omnipotent Creator, King, and Preserver. God is perfect, possesses infinite power, and is aware of everything. He “has a human-like body of flesh and bone” (Doctrine and Covenants 130:22).

What height is God?

This appears to be one of those unanswerable questions, but Mormons – and leaders of the American “Prosperity Gospel” movement – believe they have an answer: God is around 6′ 2″ tall. (He does not employ the metric system.)

When was God founded?

Many academics think this occurred between the Babylonian exile, which started after the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BCE (about 2600 years ago), and the ensuing eras of Persian and Hellenistic domination.

Does God have a wife?

A scholar from Oxford asserts that God had a wife named Asherah, who was worshipped alongside Yahweh in Israel’s temple. A researcher from Oxford asserts that God had a wife named Asherah, who was worshipped alongside Yahweh in Israel’s temple.

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