Chicago Truck Accident Lawyer

A Chicago truck accident lawyer at is committed to assisting accident victims in obtaining the compensation they are due. They will thoroughly investigate your accident and construct a strong case to assist you in obtaining the most financial compensation.

Do you live in Chicago and have a truck accident? Do you know anyone from Chicago who has been in a truck accident?

Then you require the services of a Chicago truck accident lawyer at

A trucking accident can cause major property damage as well as serious injuries. It’s not just about long recuperation times and mounting medical bills, but also about the need to repair any property damage caused by the incident.

You need a truck accident lawyer Chicago to deal with the accident. They will help you comprehend the law so that you can get the justice you deserve.

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Should I sue the truck driver or the company itself?

The goal of the accident claim process in Illinois is to determine who is genuinely liable for causing a wreck and then hold that individual accountable. When it comes to trucking accidents, determining who is to blame isn’t always easy. For example, the truck driver could have been weary or hurrying to meet a work deadline, irresponsible driving, distracted driving, a technical fault, or any number of other circumstances.

Fortunately, an expert attorney can assist you in determining if you should sue the truck driver, the trucking business, the vehicle manufacturer, or any party that contributed to the accident.

Joseph Younes The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer in Chicago

It might be difficult to know where to turn after being hurt in an accident. Even if the other driver was clearly at fault, working with insurance companies and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve can be tiring and irritating. If you’ve been hurt in a Chicago truck accident, you can turn to Joseph Younes, a Chicago truck accident lawyer who handles truck accident cases with compassion and skill while getting you the compensation you need.

What is it Truck accident?

Truck accidents entail the crushing of tractors, 18-wheelers, and other vehicles, as well as harm to people and property.

Nobody wants to be involved in a truck accident, but if you are, regrettably, in this scenario, you must seek compensation. Despite the fact that these heavy truck accidents are hazardous to your health, some insurance companies will attempt to reduce your claims. This is one of the key reasons you’ll need a lawyer that knows how to fight on your side and obtain what you’re entitled to.

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How Do You Choose The Right One?

There are a few things to keep in mind when looking for a truck accident lawyer in Chicago.

First and foremost, identify someone who has handled similar instances in the past. Second, be sure they have a proven track record of success. Third, you’ll want to find someone who is willing to take your case and has the resources to study it thoroughly.

Fourth, look for someone who is willing to battle for you and will not back down from insurance companies.

Fifth, look for someone who costs affordable fees. Sixth, make certain that the lawyer you hire has a strong reputation. Seventh, you should feel at ease with the lawyer you select and be certain that they will effectively represent you.

Common Types of Truck Accidents

The weight and size of commercial trucks endanger the safety of other cars on the road.

Trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds and are difficult to maneuver when compared to passenger vehicles. A collision between a truck and a little automobile can be devastating. According to statistics, a passenger vehicle driver is 70% more likely to be killed in a collision with a heavy truck than in an accident with a car.

The factors surrounding the accident site determine the type of truck accident. The type of accident influences the severity of the accident and the severity of the injuries incurred. Some incidents result in mild injuries, while others can result in crippling and life-altering disabilities, as well as death. That is why it is critical to contact an expert truck accident lawyer in Chicago.

  • Driver fatigue and mistakes

Driver fatigue and errors Trucking corporations frequently urge drivers to disregard norms and regulations in order to transport cargo as quickly as possible. Drivers may be motivated to operate their vehicles beyond their legal hours of operation or in risky ways in order to meet the demands of their employers, endangering the safety of other drivers on the road.

  • Aggressive Driving 

Speeding, tailgating, and road rage are all examples of aggressive driving. Trucks require more time to slow down, brake and turn. If a truck driver is driving aggressively and traffic in front of them suddenly slows down, he or she may not have enough time to respond. Aggression when driving a commercial vehicle might result in a tragic truck collision. Substance misuse among truck drivers might exacerbate risky driving behavior.

  • Speeding

speeding Semi-trucks must travel a greater distance to stop and slow down than passenger vehicles. If truck drivers travel at excessive speeds, they may not be able to respond quickly enough to avoid causing an accident.

  • Jack-Knife Accidents

This type of accident occurs when the brake on the tractor-drive trailer’s axle fails, causing the trailer to begin skidding. The trailer’s sliding stops only when the tractor and trailer are at a 90-degree angle. The driver has little control over the truck during this skid, and any vehicle that becomes stuck at a 90-degree angle may be pulled along. After coming to a stop, the truck usually rolls over.

  • Staffing and Hiring

Businesses that fail to do background checks on drivers or hire individuals with a poor history may be held accountable for accidents caused by these drivers. This obligation continues after the employment procedure. Businesses are required by law to comply with a variety of federal regulations regarding driver licensing, suitability, and roadworthiness.

  • Overloading

Overloading a trailer may save the trucking firm money, but it is against the law. Overloaded goods can cause axle failure, gearbox failure, or tire blowout, resulting in a major transportation catastrophe. When cargo is not properly loaded or secured, jackknife accidents can occur.

  • Rear-End Collisions

Due to their massive size and weight, large vehicles require a much greater distance to come to a complete stop after applying the brakes. If the driver underestimates the distance, the truck may collide with the rear end of the vehicle in front.

  • Hours of Service Violations

A breach of the hours of service (HOS) is not unusual in a Chicago truck accident lawsuit. Drivers are required by federal and state legislation to limit their driving hours and take proper rest breaks. Unfortunately, trucking corporations have a history of pressuring drivers to violate HOS regulations. This fosters a risky culture among truck drivers and everyone else who uses the road with commercial trucks.

  • Road Construction Accidents

A truck driver may have problems managing his or her vehicle through a construction zone. A collision or a rollover is particularly dangerous for the construction team, and tiny cars become entangled in the path of the truck.

  • Unsafe maintenance

Maintenance that is hazardous Regular inspections and routine maintenance should be undertaken to maintain the safe operation of commercial trucks. Failure to execute proper maintenance may result in the failure of vital safety systems, endangering those on the road.

  • Negligence in Vehicle Inspections

It is the obligation of trucking companies to put safe trucks on the road. They must undertake routine maintenance and examine the trucks to ensure they are roadworthy. If a trucking business fails to fulfill this responsibility and a vehicle part fails on the road, the company may be held accountable for negligent vehicle inspection.

  • ”Fastrack” Routing 

It is possible to schedule the arrival of trucks in a manner that necessitates them to travel at speeds greater than those required by law in order to arrive “on time.” In such cases, companies might be held accountable if drivers cause injuries to others while hurrying to fulfill deadlines.

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Best Chicago Truck Accident Lawyer

  • Clifford Law Offices

Clifford Law Offices, situated in Chicago, Illinois, is a globally prominent law company. Their attorneys have recovered more than $2 billion in damages for their clients.

In our 30-plus years of experience, they have successfully settled hundreds of cases in a range of practice areas.

  • Zayed Law Offices

Zayed Law Offices is one of the best truck accident attorneys in Chicago, and we can help you get the appropriate compensation you deserve.

The Zayed Law Offices has over 20 years of combined trucking accident investigation experience to ensure that the negligence that caused your crash is discovered.

They claim to leave no stone unturned to guarantee you and your family receive the utmost remedy permitted under the law, from weary truck drivers to faulty maintenance and overloading.

Damages that you may be able to

Consult with your attorney to determine the kind of damages that you may include in your claims. According to the circumstances of your injury, you may be able to seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses, both present and future
  • The agony and distress
  • Wage loss in the now and in the future
  • Repair reimbursement
  • Damages for the wrongful death of a family member if you have lost a loved one in the accident.

Trucking Accident Fatality

In the worst-case scenario, the truck crash might be fatal. If you have lost a loved one in a trucking accident, Thomas Law Offices is here to provide comfort and skilled legal counsel. Our wrongful death attorneys will fight for justice for your loved one.

The personal injury lawyers at Thomas Law Offices can give your loved one a voice and make the wrongdoer accountable for their actions. While we cannot undo the unfortunate death caused by negligence, we can assist your family with solace and financial stability in the aftermath of a catastrophe.


Truck accidents can cause extensive harm to you and your property. If you accept that every time we go by truck, our lives are in the hands of the drivers, you should also understand that our lives are always in danger since they are human people. However, if you are unlucky enough to be in an accident and, by God’s grace, survive, you must seek appropriate compensation. You can go to the official website of Chicago truck accident lawyer if you want to contact them. You can schedule a call or contact the main man, Joseph Younes, who will then take all required actions to reimburse you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does a lawyer get from a car accident settlement?

Lawyer costs for car accidents are often levied on a contingent basis, with attorneys receiving a portion of the amount recovered. Attorneys typically take 33% of the award, so if you are granted $100,000 in damages, your attorney would collect $33,000 of that amount in legal fees.

Who is responsible for a truck accident?

The trucking firm (also known as a carrier) may hold legal responsibility for the truck driver’s behavior as well as the safety of the trucks it owns as the trucker’s employer. A truck accident may include multiple parties in addition to the truck driver and the carrier.

What do truck accident lawyers do?

A truck accident lawyer can help you identify the responsible person or parties, collect evidence, interview eyewitnesses, negotiate with the insurance company, and, if necessary, take the matter to trial.

What percentage do most injury lawyers take?

In most cases, the personal injury lawyer will receive 33% of the total settlement sum. Cases that get to trial, on the other hand, frequently bear different costs. This fee structure is intended to reduce the client’s financial risk in choosing an attorney to represent them.

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